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52 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
Budapest, VI. kerület, Belső-Terézváros
74 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
Balatonlelle, Központ
1 250 m2
0 thous.
Private House For sale
47 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
Balatonlelle, Központ
92 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
Budapest, V. kerület
58 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
Siófok, Balatonszéplak
80 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For sale
Siófok, Belváros
75 m2
0 thous.
Vacation House For sale
240 m2
0 thous.
Private House For sale
148 m2
0 thous.
Brick Apartment For rent
Budapest, II. kerület, Vérhalom

Anya és lányai a magyar luxusingatlan-piac élén

Forbes magazin

Bizalmi kapcsolati háló és pozitív ügyfélélmény a kulcs az üzleti sikerhez

Forbes magazin
Private House For sale, Budapest, III. kerület, 611 m2,   7 Room
1590 million Ft
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Óbuda hegyvidéki részén, a Testvérhegyen, ELADÓ egy nettó 611 nm –es EXLÚZÍV VILLA,1860 nm-es, örökpanorámás, telken saját úttal. Minimalista stílusban épülő, 3 szintes smart home Luxus Villa   Funkcionalitás magas színvonalon   *nettó 611 nm *4 hálószoba *gardróbszobák *moziszoba *dolgozószoba *vendégszoba *nappali-étkező panorámás terasszal *kültéri medence *garázs 5 autó részére 124 nm Budapest ezen rejtett gyöngyszeméről egyszerre élvezheti a város közelségét és a csendes otthon adta nyugalom meghittségét. A környék elegáns villái, a rendezett környezet és a táj kivételesen remek helyszínt teremtenek. Az ingatlan luxus minőségben épül, magas műszaki tartalommal   Az ár kulcsrakész állapotra vonatkozik Várható átadás 2023.   Ár: 1,59 mrd Ft
Brick Apartment For sale, Szentendre, 155 m2,   6 Room
185 million Ft
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C I T Y C A R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY bemutatja:   Szentendrén, a Duna-parton, egyedülálló lehetőség nyílik most egy üdülőövezeti területen, ahol eladó egy bruttó 263 nm, nettó 155 nm, új családi ház, kulcsrakészen!   Az ingatlan a Budapest-Szentendre kerékpárút vonalán helyezkedik el, közvetlenül az első sorban, a folyó mellett, így akár saját hajóval is könnyen megközelíthető, sőt télen akár parkolásra is alkalmas.   Az ingatlan különlegessége az elrendezésében rejlik, hiszen az alsó szint kialakítása lehetővé teszi hajó tárolását, azonban ha valaki nem rendelkezik hajóval, vagy más módon szeretné használni ezt a területet, fantasztikus hangulatú, fél-fedett teraszt alakíthat ki, ideális helyszínt teremtve családi vacsorákhoz és esti borozgatásokhoz, akár esős időben is. Az épület maga a helyi szabályozásoknak megfelelően enyhén emelt, mivel árterületen fekszik, azonban a Duna kiöntése már nem jellemző, mivel az árvízvédelem érdekében számos intézkedést hoztak a környéken. Az ingatlant néhány hete egy nagyobb árvíz érintette, azonban a ház sértetlen maradt, csupán a kert szenvedett károkat, mivel még nem került vissza az eredeti szintjére. Amint a kert is befejezésre kerül, minden tekintetben tökéletes lesz.   Az alsó szinten belépve először egy előszobába érkezünk, ahonnan balra egy tusolós fürdőszoba található toalettel, jobbra pedig egy tároló helyiség kapott helyet a lépcső alatt. Ugyanezen a szinten még két vendégszoba található, melyekhez saját privát terasz is tartozik.   Az emeleten két hálószoba, egy fürdőszoba, egy gépészeti helyiség/mosókonyha, valamint egy hatalmas amerikai konyhás étkezős nappali található, mely a Duna felé néz, és nyáron teljesen szétnyitható az ablaka, így olyan érzésünk lehet, mintha közvetlenül a parton ülnénk. Az igazi különlegesség a tetőterasz, mely felérve erre a szintre, még egy tusolós fürdőszobát is magában foglal, ideális megoldásnak számítva azok számára, akik kint szaunázni vagy napozni szeretnének. A terasz alkalmas lehet tetőkert kialakítására, de akár jacuzzi és szauna is elhelyezhető itt. A kilátás páratlan, a vizet és a hegyeket egyaránt láthatjuk, mindeközben teljesen privát területről van szó, így kellemesen eltölthetjük itt az időt családunkkal.   Az ingatlan részletei:   Földszint: - Előtér: 9.92 nm - Szoba: 8.75 nm - Szoba: 8.37 nm - Garázs: 41.41 nm   Emelet: - Közlekedő: 10.73 nm - Nappali: 44.40 nm - Konyha/hálószoba: 11.48 nm - Szoba: 15.82 nm - Fürdőszoba: 8.37 nm - Gépészeti helyiség/mosókonyha: 3.04 nm Összesen: 162.29 nm Tetőterasz: 108 nm   A kert tágas és nagy, akár három-négy autó parkolására is alkalmas térkövezett területtel, de lehetőség van medence, virágok, pálmafák elhelyezésére is, így az új tulajdonos saját elképzelése szerint alakíthatja ki. Az ingatlan ára bruttó 185 millió forint a leírtak szerint, jelenlegi állapotában, már rendelkezik használatbavételi engedéllyel. Műszaki adatok: Rendkívül energiatakarékos! - Hőszivattyú - 15 cm vastag grafitos külső hőszigetelés - Lehetőség OKOS-otthon vezérlésre fűtés-hűtés/világítás terén, helyiségenkénti hőmérsékletszabályozással - Árnyékolás - Mennyezet hűtés-fűtés és padlófűtés - 3 rétegű üveg, 6/7 légkamrás nyílászárók antracit színben - Saját kert durva tereprendezéssel A környék: Szentendre Magyarország egyik kiemelt és turisztikai szempontból fontos városa. Az óváros hangulatos kis utcácskáival és templomaival mindenki számára vonzó. A Duna-korzón sétálni kellemes program, de a kör nyéken hatalmas sétákat vagy kerékpártúrákat is lehet tenni mind a Dunakanyarban, mind pedig a közeli hegyekben és városokban. A vízi sportok kedvelői hajózhatnak, kajakozhatnak és kenuzhatnak is, vagy akár horgászként is eltölthetik szabadidejüket. A környéken található kis patak mentén fantasztikus tanösvények haladnak végig. Az éttermek és kávézók híresek és hangulatosak, és számos kulturális esemény és művészeti fesztivál helyszíne. Bevásárlási lehetőségek is számosak, és Budapest is könnyen elérhető közelségben található.   ÜDVÖZLETTEL: Kontra Adrián +3630 815 2514  [email protected] ÉRTÉKESÍTÉSI MUNKATÁRS - SALES ASSOCIATE 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONT
Duplex For sale, Szentendre, 289 m2,   5 + 1 Room
398 million Ft
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C I T Y C Λ R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY bemutatja:   Örökpanorámás Luxus Ikervilla-fél Eladó, találja meg álmai otthonát a festői Szentendrén.   Szentendrén eladó 2023-ban átadásra kerülő modern stílusú 3 szintes ikervilla. A 289 nm hasznos alapterületet kínáló luxus ingatlan 750 nm-es területen fekszik, mely elhelyezkedésének köszönhetően garantálja a Dunára néző örökpanorámát, a nyugalmat és a teljes intimitást.   Az elektromos autó töltővel is felszerelt kétállásos garázs-szint felett két szinten helyezkedik el az élettér. A nappali-étkező-konyha és az egybenyitható 45nm-es DK-i tájolású Dunára néző terasz valamint a közvetlen kertkapcsolat, a maximális kényelem luxus érzetét kínálják. Továbbá 4 hálószoba, 3 fürdőszoba, dolgozó/vendégszoba és fitness/wellness helyiség kerül kialakításra. A hatalmas üvegfelületeknek köszönhetően az ingatlan benapozása páratlan, az árnyékolásról motoros mozgatású zsaluzia gondoskodik.   A kiemelkedő AA+ energiahatékonyság érdekében, az ingatlan H-tarifával működtethető hőszivattyús fűtési-hűtési rendszerrel, hővisszanyerő szellőztetéssel és napelemes rendszer előkészítésével kerül kivitelezésre.   Az ikervilla autóval és tömegközlekedéssel egyaránt megközelíthető; bevásárlási lehetőség egy karnyújtásnyira, gyermekeknek bölcsöde, óvoda, iskola könnyen elérhető.   Az átadás időpontja: 2024. év. III. Negyedév     ÜDVÖZLETTEL:   Farkas István INGATLANSZAKÉRTŐ - REALTY SPECIALIST +3630-815-2503 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONT
Csak nálunk
Brick Apartment For sale, Budapest, II. kerület, 90 m2,   3 Room
329 million Ft
Extraordinary opportunity in II. in a popular part of the district, on Szemlőhegy!   Built in 2022, on the top floor of an exclusive 3-story, 6-apartment apartment building, accessible by elevator, 90 sqm living area, 147 sqm terrace and roof garden, American kitchen, bright living room, 2 bedrooms, double-comfort luxury PENTHOUSE PENTHOUSE apartment is looking for its future owner.   The unique, key-operated elevator takes us directly to the apartment, which in itself evokes the atmosphere of foreign luxury hotels.   Stepping out of the elevator, we are greeted by a lobby and a living room, and because of the large glass surfaces, every room is bathed in sunlight, the uniquely designed, practical an American kitchen with a peninsula, and the 2 bedrooms.   The 2 bathrooms, one of which has a bathtub and the other a shower, provide comfort and relaxation. Each room has access to the excellent terrace. refined style, ideal for those who strive for a demanding lifestyle. The 2.8-meter ceiling height and floor heating equipped with a heat pump ensure optimal comfort in any season. There is a walk-around terrace around the apartment (with an automatic irrigation system in the green areas), on which a jacuzzi stand has been placed, and it is possible to create your own exclusive sauna and outdoor summer kitchen. also.   The doors and windows are Schüco doors and windows with aluminum case structure. Complete comfort is provided by electric, weather-sensing venetian blinds.   The apartment also has an external, non-slip staircase leading to the backyard. Parking for 2 cars in the garage with an elegant gate entrance, where a WÖHR 450-200 type parking machine system has been installed, the turns The apartment is also equipped with a separate storage room.   The building near the passive house is modern, energy-saving, with a high level of demand, enhanced thermal insulation, in which the mechanical engineering is designed with an air heat pump operating with renewable energy, as well as a heat-recovery-ventilation system.   There is a camera system in the building.   The price of the property does not include the kitchen appliances and equipment, as well as the furniture.   Fix price HUF 329 million.   Don't miss this unique opportunity! If you are interested in the ad, feel free to search - let's take a look at this special apartment together!
Duplex For sale, Mogyoród, 123 m2,   5 Room
129 million Ft
CITY CARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   Semi-detached house for sale with a terrace overlooking the lake in the LUXURY quality Sissy Villapark in Mogyoród!   The Sissy Villapark is built around a natural lake, just 15 minutes from Budapest, at the second exit of the M3 highway, next to Szada. Closed LUXURY residential park with colorful streets provides a uniform environment with high-quality minimal houses, of which this is one of the best located properties.   The house has a two-story living room + 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms and is located on a 350 m2 plot with a garage. It is already covered and the sanitary ware has also been installed.   The house has huge glass surfaces, the view is beautiful, the playground is at the end of the street. Children can be let out to play in the street, and the forests surrounding the park are great for hiking and walking the dog. This premium category park offers its residents a quality standard of living for the long term.   Currently, seven properties for sale are available here, semi-detached houses and detached houses, the coverings are still optional for several, while others are almost ready for their new owner.   I am readily available with detailed technical content and other information. I have lived in one of these for ten years, so I have personal connections in the area.   If you would like to get first-hand information about the properties of Sissy Villapark, Szentjakab Parkfalu, Szentjakab Residential Park, Lake Forest Villapark and other houses and estates in the area, feel free to contact me!   Dr. László Tímea REAL ESTATE LAWYER - REAL ESTATE EXPERT   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA LTD. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY LTD. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54.   1026 ERZSÉBET FASOR SZILÁGYI 121. BUDAPEST BUDAGYONGYE SHOPPING CENTER  
Private House For sale, Solymár, 430 m2,   5 Room
420 million Ft
We offer for sale a 430 m2, 5-room, 2-story, modern, stylish family house with an indoor pool on the border of the 2nd district of Solymár and Budapest. The house, built 10 years ago, is located on a south-facing corner plot of 1300m2, close to the forest, so peace and good air are guaranteed. The lower level of the two-story family house welcomes you with a spacious entrance hall, living room with dining room, kitchen, study, utility room, washroom, and the pool area and the wellness center are located on this level. On the upper floor, there is the master bedroom with its wardrobe and bathroom, and two bedrooms also with their own bathrooms. The large garage provides space for two cars, as well as storage for bicycles and motorbikes. The house's hot water supply is subsidized by solar panels, as is the heating and pool heating, so the building's maintenance costs are very low. The well-thought-out, well-designed property has many extras that make life comfortable and practical for those who live here. The building is surrounded by an intimate garden with a landscaped irrigation system
Csak nálunk
Private House For sale, Fót, 258 m2,   6 Room
399.5 million Ft
CITY CARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   FOR SALE: BRAND NEW, MODERN-MINIMALIST LUXURY FAMILY HOUSE WITH A SWIMMING POOL IN A 24-HOUR SECURITY GUARDED FÓTLIGET!   Located just 15 minutes from Budapest, this exclusive residential park, with 24-hour security, offers one of the finest independent family houses for sale. It boasts a living room plus 5 rooms, 4 bathrooms, and a swimming pool.   This is a completely new, dream home!   Situated on a 1501 sqm wide, wooded plot, this single-story, L-shaped family house was completed in 2021. It is in new condition and designed and executed with luxury quality, ready for its future owner.   It's a unique and extraordinary opportunity in the current market because:   - It is all on one level, so no need for stairs   - Everything is brand new, yet fully finished; no waiting for professionals, finishing touches, or furnishings.   Thanks to its high-quality, custom interior design, the interior and furnishings are very upscale and can be purchased if desired, making the house move-in ready in a short time.   The house is strategically placed on the plot to allow for easy access all around. The two-car, 35 sqm garage provides electric car charging.   Upon entering the house, you'll find a guest bathroom, followed by a spacious, open-plan kitchen and living room with a high ceiling, thanks to the wood-beamed ceiling.   Special features of the house include unique, 220 cm high, custom interior doors and four bathrooms. The living room opens into a large pantry, followed by a generous utility room and a separate room for machinery.   The arrangement of the rooms is exceptional, as the five separate rooms, thanks to the atrium design, can be opened with wide sliding doors, each with a view of the large terrace and the built-in swimming pool.   Continuing from the entrance, the first room is a spacious office, followed by two children's rooms, each with its own bathroom and wardrobe in the middle. Then comes another children's or guest room with an ensuite bathroom, and finally, the master bedroom with a massive walk-in closet and an en-suite bathroom with both a bathtub and a shower.   The L-shaped house features a large central terrace beside the pool, and a 31 sqm motorized, louvered pergola provides shade. The sides of the pergola can be closed electronically. The pool has a rolltop cover that slides electrically on top of the water and provides solar heating for the pool (with additional heating options available).   Next to the kitchen, an additional terrace offers the opportunity to enjoy lunch or coffee in the shade.   The side terrace houses a special outdoor grill area with an outdoor kitchenette and a wide countertop.   The entire garden design was focused on preserving spacious areas and the wooded environment. The highlight of the backyard is a 120-year-old oak tree, while six Canadian black walnut trees provide shade in front of the house.   The high boxwood hedge ensures the garden's privacy, and the preparation for an outdoor sauna has already been completed, allowing for easy installation if desired. Lawn mowing is taken care of by the top-of-the-line Husqvarna robot lawnmower.   Adding to the luxury of the house is the 2 cm Iroko tropical wood parquet flooring throughout, with underfloor heating. It also features five air-conditioning units, Italian suspended lighting in the living room, water softener, and an 8.5 kW solar panel system that is discreetly integrated into the flat green roof.   In the backyard, a high-quality raised bed provides fresh organic vegetables throughout the summer. The house has very low maintenance costs, thanks to its excellent insulation with 50 cm thick Ytong walls and triple-glazed gas-filled windows.   Cleaning is made easy with the 1700-watt central vacuum cleaner, and the bathroom between the children's rooms offers a musical bathtub for added enjoyment.   This property boasts numerous extras and unique solutions. It's worth seeing in person, as its exceptional quality and perfect design combining aesthetics and functionality will captivate everyone.   If you're interested, please don't hesitate to contact us anytime. The property is owned outright, with a clean title.   DR. TÍMEA LÁSZLÓ REAL ESTATE LAWYER - REAL ESTATE EXPERT   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54.   1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER  
Duplex For sale, Mogyoród, 140 m2,   5 Room
139.9 million Ft
CITY CARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   For sale: A semi-detached house built for private use with extra technical content in Sissy Villapark!   Sissy Villapark is located just 15 minutes away from Budapest, near Szada, at the second exit of the M3 motorway, built around a natural lake. With its vibrant streets and closed LUXURY residential area, the park provides a unified environment with high-quality minimalist houses. Among these, this house stands out from the rest: it was not built as part of the Sissy development project, but rather by an external investor for personal use. However, due to a change in family circumstances, it is now being put up for sale.   This is the only house with a heat pump and ceiling heating system, equipped with a pre-installed heat recovery VENTILATION SYSTEM. Throughout the entire construction process, the property was built to very high standards. It covers a total area of 140 sqm, comprising a living room plus 4 rooms, with 72 sqm on the lower level and 68 sqm on the upper level.   On the lower level, from the garage, you enter the hallway, leading to the open-plan kitchen and living room, as well as a bedroom, bathroom, and storage room. Upstairs, there are 3 separate bedrooms, a bathroom, and a walk-in closet.   The house features large windows, and its layout is very practical and functional, with a playground nearby. Children can play in the streets, explore the forests surrounding the park, or walk their dogs. This premium category park offers its residents a high quality of life for the long term.   For detailed technical specifications and other information, I am at your disposal. As a real estate professional, I am well acquainted with all the nearby residential parks and possess extensive knowledge of their legal backgrounds.   If you would like firsthand information about properties in Sissy Villapark, Szentjakab Parkfalu, Szentjakab Lakópark, Lake Forest Villapark, and other houses and estates in the area, feel free to contact me!   DR. TÍMEA LÁSZLÓ LEGAL EXPERT - REALTY SPECIALIST   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER
Private House For sale, Budapest, XII. kerület, 970 m2,  
1450 million Ft
CITY CARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   LUXURIOUS PANORAMIC VILLA for SALE in the elegant Svábhegy area of the 12th DISTRICT!   In the 12th district, on Svábhegy I offer for sale this luxury family villa with unique features, located in the central part of the sloping plot. The main building of the villa has a net area of 600 sqm. In the front part of the plot, facing the street, there is a 170 sqm house, which will house a service apartment and a guest reception area.   Below the 600 sqm main building, a 200 sqm garage has been designed, with no columns to hinder parking. The garage can comfortably accommodate seven cars, and access is through a 150-meter-long underground tunnel.   The main building is three stories high, with an elevator connecting the levels from the garage to the top floor. On the first floor, three independent rooms with their own bathrooms and walk-in closets are located.   On the main floor, a 170 sqm living room and a showcase kitchen with a large utility kitchen are planned, completely separable from the family living area.   The top floor features a 130 sqm bedroom, with a women's bathroom and wardrobe on one side and a men's bathroom and wardrobe on the other side. The house's intimate terrace on the roof can only be accessed from here.   The house is in a structurally complete state, with full documentation and legally approved building permits.   If you are looking for a house with unique features, panoramic views, and true exclusivity in the elegant villa district of the 12th district, then this is the perfect choice.   If you would like to view the property or need further information, feel free to contact me anytime.   DR. TÍMEA LÁSZLÓ REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY - REAL ESTATE EXPERT   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER
Private House For sale, Mogyoród, 200 m2,   5 Room
199 million Ft
CITYCARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   DETACHED FAMILY HOUSE FOR SALE WITH CONCIERGE SERVICE AND GATEKEEPER IN A GATED RESIDENTIAL PARK!   Located just 15 minutes from Budapest, in the secure environment of the Szentjakab Park Village, a dream residential area with two 24-hour concierge services and gated entrances, I offer for sale a standalone family house.   This house currently represents one of the most outstanding properties available for sale in Parkfalu, as it has won energy efficiency grants. As part of this program, a HEAT PUMP, SOLAR PANELS, and 3-CELL GLAZING were insttalled, and these are already included in the purchase price! Set within a completely enclosed and private garden, featuring a fishpond, the tranquil view of which can be enjoyed from the spacious terrace. The terrace comfortably accommodates seating arrangements, a dining table, and a garden grill.   The total living area is 200 sqm, including a large foyer and storage area on the lower level, a master bedroom with its own bathroom, and a living room and kitchen combined (which can also be separated if desired).   The terrace faces south and east, providing full seclusion, practically unseen from the street. Upstairs, a spacious common area leads to three large rooms and another generously sized bathroom. The ground floor bathroom features a shower, while the upstairs one has a bathtub. Both bathrooms are well-lit with large windows.   The property includes a single-car GARAGE and an additional parking spot, on a land plot of 786 sqm. Alongside the terrace, a designated outdoor cooking area has been set up. Irrigation is handled by an IRRIGATION SYSTEM, and the house is equipped with an ALARM SYSTEM.   Mogyoród currently features four residential parks, with Szentjakab Parkfalu being the oldest. This park offers a mature, fully developed green environment with a close-knit community, making it a true paradise for families. Here, you won't find ongoing construction or empty lots, but rather peaceful walking streets accessible only to residents and their guests.   Children can play and bike among the houses, as the fences are low or absent altogether. I personally know every park in the vicinity and have been tracking their development over the past decade, as I also live here. If I can assist you in finding your property, please feel free to reach out to me. I have extensive knowledge of each residential park and can show you various types of houses.   As a real estate legal expert, I am fully familiar with all backgrounds and am readily available at any time.   DR. TÍMEA LÁSZLÓ REAL ESTATE LEGAL EXPERT - PROPERTY EXPERT +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA LTD. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY LTD. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ROAD 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET PROMENADE 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER
Hotel / Pension For sale, Visegrád, 750 m2,   22 Room
3.97 million €
C I T Y C A R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:    In VISEGRÁD, on the Danube bank, we offer for sale a 22-room hotel built in the last century. The hotel is an absolute curiosity in the most beautiful part of the Danube Bend. The building has three floors: basement, ground floor, first floor. It also includes 3 wine cellars, a wellness area with indoor pool, wonderful terraces, private parking, kitchen, and laundry. Built-in furniture is included in the price, other furniture can be purchased. Perfect investment, eternal value! The property can be purchased together with the company (no VAT).   Price: 3.97 million EUR
Csak nálunk
Villa, Manor-house, Mansion For sale, Kunadacs, 1 230 m2,   14 Room
900 thous. €
C I T Y C A R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY   In the northern part of Bács-Kiskun county, 40 kilometers from Kecskemét, in the enchanting outskirts of Kunadacs where it seems as if time has stood still, lies a breathtaking estate perfectly suited for making dreams come true. This fully enclosed property, spanning more than 9 hectares (93,302 sqm) and enveloped by forests and pastures, awaits its new owner. This area is an oasis of peace and tranquility, almost entirely self-sufficient, with every detail meticulously attended to – a true paradise awaits those interested! The estate currently houses several buildings, and according to the local building regulations of Kunadacs, the area is designated for special development, such as the construction of a retirement living park, with the possibility of developing around 30 units: Peregadacsi Retirement Living Park Regulations Unlimited placement of dwelling units and auxiliary buildings, including: a) Residences and ancillaries b) Human service facilities c) Cultural, community, entertainment, and sports buildings Minimum plot size: 3000 sqm Building setback from plot boundaries: 6 meters Maximum coverage: 10% Maximum building height defined by structure height: a) With deviations as per b: max 7.5 meters b) Tower-like structures necessary for technology: max 30 meters Minimum green area: 40% Current Buildings on the Property: Manor: The impeccably maintained and renovated Geréby-Kinicz Manor, once serving as the noble family's residence and agricultural hub, was constructed in 1850 in a classical style using adobe and brick. It creates a unique atmosphere, reminiscent of past eras, enchanting its visitors. Covering approximately 600 square meters over two floors, the ground level hosts a large entry hall, spacious living room, separate dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and separate WC. Additional rooms have been created on the attic level, with potential for more. A large bathroom serves this level. Heating is provided by a gas-fired boiler and an authentic tile stove in the living room. A renovation in 2002 ensured the interiors retained the quaint, romantic atmosphere characteristic of ancient manors. A beautiful, atmospheric pool is located in front of the manor, measuring 7.5 x 15 meters (unheated, offering a genuine experience during the summer months). The manor and its land are on a separate cadastral number, with a 3,277 sqm plot. The other structures are located on a separate cadastral number over a 90,025 sqm plot. The area is exempt from certain restrictions, making it purchasable by foreign nationals without the need for public posting. Main Building: Constructed around 2010 from Ytong blocks, the unique, cozy, multi-terraced, modern main building equipped with air conditioning, living room+6 bedrooms, is three-storied. The basement spans 250 sqm (accommodating stables, carriage storage – suitable for 6 cars, workshop, billiard room), the ground floor 190 sqm, and the upper floor 190 sqm, totaling 630 sqm, further enhanced by two large terraces. Located on a picturesque hilltop, the living space is east-facing. Heating is provided by gas circulator, with underfloor heating and radiators on the ground floor, as well as electric heating and a wood fireplace, creating a special atmosphere. Thanks to rooftop solar panels, the estate's electricity supply is from clean sources, with condensing gas boilers providing heating and hot water. Outbuildings: Stork's Nest: Constructed in 1995, offering unique opportunities for residential adaptation. The ground floor covers approx. 80 square meters, and the upper floor 50 square meters. The building is heated with a tile stove and includes a 160 sqm stable. Designed with a high roof, beyond the enclosed mass, a covered-open storage area exists, currently serving as a storage building. The building is unheated, with no building services equipment installed. Granary: A 200 sqm granary built around 1850, unheated, consists of a ground floor and attic, currently serving as a storage building. The building is unheated, with no building services equipment installed. Storage: Approximately a 30 sqm storage building and unheated container were built in 2012, designed as a ground-level structure with two 20-foot shipping containers covered by a traditional wooden roof structure. Tools and agricultural machinery parts are stored within. The building is unheated. Two wells are located on the property, including the Mária well established in 1850, providing clean, potable water quality. Three sedimentation tanks are also available on-site. All buildings are equipped with electricity. The garage can accommodate up to 10 cars, with ample space available on the property for additional vehicles. The estate offers the potential for further development, allowing the new owner ample opportunity to expand according to their needs. Suitable for horse breeding but also ideal for farming and relaxation. This unique estate, exempt from agricultural use, is located on two cadastral numbers. Accessibility is excellent, with the M5 motorway and secondary roads providing easy access, all roads paved up to the property. Environment: An island of peace and tranquility, visited only by those coming here, close to nature, with a significant portion of Hungary's wildlife observable from the terrace. Hundreds of protected rare birds inhabit the area. There are no restrictions on keeping any large domestic animals on the estate. The area is fully fenced and protected with an electric fence. This estate is recommended for anyone wishing to experience the proximity of nature. It is a perfect choice for those seeking a unique, peaceful, and nature-close lifestyle, or for those interested in farming. Ideal for keeping large animals, the new owner could open an alpaca or ostrich farm, or even their own horse stable. The area is completely fenced, protected with an electric fence, ideal for animal husbandry. If rural tourism interests you, the estate offers ample opportunities to develop accommodations, ensuring guests are comfortably separated from each other. This estate is not just a home but a lifestyle, where anyone can realize their dreams, be it farming, investing, or simply living a peaceful, nature-close life. Living in harmony with nature and its captivating beauty, this estate offers true home and happiness to its new owner. A significant portion of Kunadacs's population lives off agriculture. Children can attend kindergarten and school locally, with a cultural house and medical clinic nearby. All streets are paved, new sports fields have been developed, and selective waste collection is practiced. The village has access to mains water, gas, telephone, and cable TV services. Outside the urban area, 1620 hectares of protected land managed by the Kiskunsági National Park, filled with protected plants and animals, are available. If this advertisement has piqued your interest, you have questions, or would like to view the property, please contact me with confidence. I look forward to your inquiry!