
A keresett oldal nem található.
Special offers
191 m2
0 thous.
Private House For sale
350 m2
0 thous.
Private House For sale
Budapest, II. kerület
840 m2
0 thous.
Villa, Manor-house, Mansion For sale
Budapest, II. kerület, Rézmál
821 m2
0 thous.
Office Complex For sale
420 m2
0 thous.
Private House For sale
Üröm, Péterhegy
130 870 m2
0 thous.
Property / Tenure For sale
807 m2
0 thous.
Construction Site For sale
4 210 m2
0 thous.
Construction Site For sale
Budapest, XI. kerület
300 m2
0 thous.
Property / Tenure For sale
Gasztony, Központ
400 m2
0 thous.
Villa, Manor-house, Mansion For sale
Budapest, XII. kerület

Anya és lányai a magyar luxusingatlan-piac élén

Forbes magazin

Bizalmi kapcsolati háló és pozitív ügyfélélmény a kulcs az üzleti sikerhez

Forbes magazin
Duplex For sale, Mogyoród, 140 m2,   5 Room
139.9 million Ft
CITY CARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   For sale: A semi-detached house built for private use with extra technical content in Sissy Villapark!   Sissy Villapark is located just 15 minutes away from Budapest, near Szada, at the second exit of the M3 motorway, built around a natural lake. With its vibrant streets and closed LUXURY residential area, the park provides a unified environment with high-quality minimalist houses. Among these, this house stands out from the rest: it was not built as part of the Sissy development project, but rather by an external investor for personal use. However, due to a change in family circumstances, it is now being put up for sale.   This is the only house with a heat pump and ceiling heating system, equipped with a pre-installed heat recovery VENTILATION SYSTEM. Throughout the entire construction process, the property was built to very high standards. It covers a total area of 140 sqm, comprising a living room plus 4 rooms, with 72 sqm on the lower level and 68 sqm on the upper level.   On the lower level, from the garage, you enter the hallway, leading to the open-plan kitchen and living room, as well as a bedroom, bathroom, and storage room. Upstairs, there are 3 separate bedrooms, a bathroom, and a walk-in closet.   The house features large windows, and its layout is very practical and functional, with a playground nearby. Children can play in the streets, explore the forests surrounding the park, or walk their dogs. This premium category park offers its residents a high quality of life for the long term.   For detailed technical specifications and other information, I am at your disposal. As a real estate professional, I am well acquainted with all the nearby residential parks and possess extensive knowledge of their legal backgrounds.   If you would like firsthand information about properties in Sissy Villapark, Szentjakab Parkfalu, Szentjakab Lakópark, Lake Forest Villapark, and other houses and estates in the area, feel free to contact me!   DR. TÍMEA LÁSZLÓ LEGAL EXPERT - REALTY SPECIALIST   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER
Brick Apartment For sale, Budapest, II. kerület, 138 m2,   4 Room
386.4 million Ft
C I T Y C A R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   SMART HOMES WITH POOLS IN THE 2ND DISTRICT NEAR RÓZSADOMB   In a newly built, 5-apartment condominium in Buda, near Rózsadomb, there are 4 apartments still available! This property is on the 2nd floor, with 4 rooms, 125 square meters (+ 26 sqm terrace), a great choice for those who want to live in an exclusive Buda environment, close to nature yet just a few minutes' drive from the easily accessible city center.   The apartments are built with luxurious quality and the latest technology to meet the demands of today's era: They will be equipped with SMART HOME control suitable for managing heating-cooling, shading, and security systems both on-site and remotely. Cold and warm coverings are included in the purchase price. The shared interior decorative garden and the shared outdoor pool truly make this property unique in the market; few condominiums have similar features.   The apartment comes with a 2-space (elevator-recessed) underground garage, which can be optionally purchased for 2 x 15,000,000 HUF each. Payment plan: 1. 10% Deposit - upon contract signing 2. 40% 1st Installment - at the structural completion stage 3. 25% 2nd Installment - electrical and mechanical basic installation 4. 20% 3rd Installment - by 2024.01.30. 5. 5% Remaining Payment - upon handover Planned handover: 2024, 2nd quarter.     386.400.000 HUF   BEST REGARDS: DUDÁS ESZTER Nemzetközi Ingatlanszakértő - International Realty Specialist  +3630-815-2520 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONT
Brick Apartment For sale, Budapest, II. kerület, 214 m2,   4 Room
1027.25 million Ft
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CITYCARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   A II. Kerület Legújabb Ékköve   Álmodozott már valaha arról, hogy egy olyan helyen éljen, ahol a természet szépsége és a modern világ kényelme tökéletes harmóniában van? Most pontosan egy ilyen ritka gyöngyszemet kínálunk eladásra!   Engedje meg, hogy bemutassam Önnek Budapest II. kerületének legújabb büszkeségét, a festői Apáthy-szikla lábánál, Rubik Ernő legendás Villájának a szomszédságában, egy lélegzetelállító természetvédelmi terület mellett, 4.500 nm-es ősfás parkban, egy újépítésű, 7 lakásos, 2 liftes társasház legfelső szintjén, egy 214 nm-es, belső kétszintes, nappali + 3 hálószobás, 3 fürdőszobás penthouse lakás, összesen 234 nm-es terasszal eladó.   Élvezze a déli tájolást, a János-hegyi kilátóra néző panorámát, és a zöldövezeti nyugalmat. Egyedülálló koncepciója és kivitelezési minősége révén ez a projekt a város legkívánatosabb lakóhelyévé válik, ahol a modern építészet, a kifinomult stílus és a természet harmonikus összhangja példátlan életminőséget kínál.   Prémium Minőség és Exkluzív Építészeti Megoldások Ez a Luxus Társasház az I. osztályú anyaghasználat és a legmagasabb színvonalú kivitelezési és műszaki tartalom révén garantálja a prémium minőséget, ennek köszönhetően az Ön otthona nem csak esztétikailag lesz lenyűgöző, hanem tartós és hosszú távon is értékálló marad. A lakás közel 3 méteres belmagassága rendkívüli eleganciát és térérzetet kölcsönöz az ingatlannak. A 104 négyzetméteres amerikai konyhás nappali mellett 3 hálószoba, 3 fürdőszoba, valamint egy vendég toalett gondoskodik a kényelemről. Mindegyik szoba közvetlen teraszkapcsolattal rendelkezik, a legfelső szinten pedig egy 190 nm-es tetőterasz várja, ahonnan a lenyűgöző kilátás minden nap újra és újra elkápráztatja Önt.   Zöld Oázis a Város Szívében Minden lakás saját, kizárólagos használatú, déli tájolású terasszal vagy kerttel rendelkezik, kilátással a János-hegyre, gondosan megtervezett növényzettel és modern öntözőrendszerrel kerülnek átadásra. A kertekben és a teraszokon található vízvételi helyek, valamint az öntözőrendszer gondoskodik növényei egészségéről és szépségéről.   Okosotthon A lakások a legfejlettebb KNX alapú okosotthon rendszerrel vannak felszerelve, amely lehetővé teszi a fűtés, világítás, árnyékolás, biztonsági rendszerek, bejárati kapuk, video kapucsengő stb. távoli vezérlését egyszerűen, akár egy érintéssel a világ bármely pontjáról, így az élete még kényelmesebbé és energiatakarékosabbá válik. A fenntartható életvitel érdekében minden technológiai megoldás a legújabb trendeknek megfelelően került kiválasztásra.   A Legmodernebb Technológiai Megoldások A kiemelkedően gazdaságos levegő-víz hőszivattyús rendszer biztosítja otthona fűtését és hűtését, míg a hővisszanyerős szellőztetőrendszer friss és tiszta levegőt garantál. A szaniterek a legmagasabb minőségi követelményeknek megfelelően kerültek kiválasztásra, biztosítva ezzel az otthoni wellness élményt minden nap. A 2 db 8 személyes liftnek köszönhetően a lakás megközelítése akadálymentes a garázsból.   Parkolás és Tárolás A lakáshoz 1, 2 vagy 3 parkolóhely (összesen 16 db áll rendelkezésre) vásárolható a teremgarázsban, elektromos autó töltési lehetőséggel, így a környezettudatos életmód egyszerűen megvalósítható. Lakásonként 1 tároló helyiség is vásárolható, amelyben elektromos áram is kialakításra kerül. A legmodernebb technológiákkal felszerelt társasház - okostelefonról vezérelhető kapuk, videókaputelefon és 24 órás biztonsági rendszer - gondoskodik a lakók nyugalmáról és privát szférájáról.   Várható átadás: 2024 év vége   Merüljön el a Prémium Életérzésben Ne hagyja ki azt a ritka lehetőséget, hogy részese legyen egy olyan elit közösségnek, akik értékelik a legfejlettebb technológiai megoldásokat, a természet szépségét, valamint a modern világ stílusát és kényelmét. A déli tájolás, a János-hegyi panoráma és a zöldövezeti nyugalom mind hozzájárulnak ahhoz, hogy új otthona valóban a pihenés és a feltöltődés helyszíne legyen, amelyről mindig is álmodott.   Az Új Otthona Már Várja Élje át azt az életérzést, amelyet csak a legmagasabb színvonalú otthonok nyújtanak! Lépjen be egy olyan világba, ahol minden nap inspirációt és nyugalmat talál és kezdjen el egy új és kényelmesebb életet.   Ára: Ft Ezen felül garázs vásárolható 12 millió Ft/db áron, valamint lehetőség van külön tároló megvásárlására is. Üdvözlettel: DR VINCELLÉR VALÉRIA ÜGYVEZETŐ, CEO, LUXURY SPECIALIST +3630-815-1999 [email protected] 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONT   CITYCARTEL - International Luxury Real Estate Agency   A CITYCARTEL Magyarország legnagyobb luxus ingatlaniroda hálózata, több mint 23 éve foglalkozik professzionális ingatlanközvetítéssel belföldön és külföldön. A több ezres exkluzív portfólióban a belföldi és külföldi ingatlanpiac legjobb ingatlanjai találhatóak.  A CITYCARTEL ingatlanirodák szeretettel várják Önt is országszerte.  
Villa, Manor-house, Mansion For sale, Budapest, II. kerület, 913 m2,   12 Room
3.8 million €
II. district, on a 2,154 m plot, 913 sqm, four-storey, living room + 11 rooms, 5 bathrooms, panoramic, beautiful villa for rent. There is a swimming pool in the huge garden. Layout: Basement (411 sqm) garage for 4-6 cars, guest room, bathroom, storage Hobby level: infrared sauna, Finnish sauna, billiard room, laundry room, room, bathroom, storage Ground floor: living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bathroom, wardrobe Floor: 5 bedrooms, bathroom, room suitable for a cinema room Perfect for Embassies! Don't miss your Dream Villa!
Brick Apartment For sale, Budapest, XII. kerület, 146 m2,   6 Room
563 million Ft
C I T Y C Λ R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   NEWLY BUILT PENTHOUSE APARTMENT WITH BREATHTAKING VIEW   In district 12., in an area called Kútvölgy, in a newly built 4-apartment building based on the latest architectural trends, a 146 sqm, two-story, panoramic PENTHOUSE apartment is for sale. Budapest, XII. district, Kútvölgy is a classic part of the district, with excellent infrastructure and public transportation, but at the same time exudes an atmosphere and tranquility typical of mountainous green areas. The comfort of everyday life and the carelessness of practical tasks are ensured by excellent educational institutions, as well as shops, banks and high-quality services found in the neighborhood and nearby shopping centers. The exclusive building's modern design, apartment interior that can be tailored to individual needs, and practical but stylish living spaces make it an ideal choice for buyers looking for an apartment in the inner districts of Buda. The apartment is built with high-quality materials. In the building, the comfortable transportation is facilitated by a private elevator, the heat supply is provided by an environmentally friendly air-water heat pump, the apartment is equipped with surface cooling and heating, with the addition of fan-coils in the living room. The apartment also has 2 large garages and a storage room. 1 electric car charging station will also be built in the same place.   The living room and bedrooms are south-facing, as is the shared garden area. Noble plaster and glued limestone cladding are used for the wall surfaces, and the doors and windows are framed by powder-coated aluminum cases in anthracite color. The doors and windows facing south, east and west are provided with blinds in the same color as the window frames as external shading. The apartment will be equipped with "Smart Home" control, which will be suitable for controlling and remote control of cooling, heating, shading and security systems. The tranquility of the mountains near the city and the high-class lifestyle can be enjoyed at the same time. This all-purpose apartment offers comfort, tranquility and security, don't miss it!   KIND REGARDS: SHERIF HOSNY NEMZETKÖZI INGATLANSZAKÉRTŐ - INTERNATIONAL REALESTATE SPECIALIST +3630-815-2513 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONT
Brick Apartment For sale, Budapest, VI. kerület, 84 m2,   3 Room
250 million Ft
Living area: 84m2 (balcony not included) On the property sheet: 84m2 (balcony +3m2) Living room with American kitchen + bathroom (double sink), bathtub, walk-in shower, separate toilet, 2 bedrooms of the same size, which can fit furniture and a dining table next to the double bed, very comfortable and spacious corridors, where you can conveniently install a wardrobe, kitchen: with built-in   appliances Balcony: long, leading through the entire living room   Shutters: Both sides can be opened at the balcony door Upper windows can also be opened Wooden windows and front door (high quality) made exclusively here in 2023   Renovation: Water, electricity, gas lines replaced, windows designed and manufactured here, entrance door, high-quality floor (the concrete was also primed underneath before laying), high-quality sanitary facilities
Condominium For sale, Balatonboglár, 650 m2,   16 Room
1990 million Ft
CITYCARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   EXCLUSIVE, DIRECT WATERFRONT LUXURY PROPERTY WITH PRIVATE, SOPHISTICATED BEACH FRONT FOR SALE!   In Balatonboglár, in a very beautiful, well-kept environment, where neighboring plots also feature sophisticated minimal villas and a classic, large rocky shore (no reeds, algae, or other vegetation that detracts from the enjoyment of swimming or the scenery), I offer for sale a modern-minimalist house built in 2018, with its own ELEVATOR and a 5-car garage.   The plot is over 2800 sqm and its wide waterfront is a true Lake Balaton dream beach. There is a private JETTY leading to the water, and a SUN DECK has also been installed.   The house with its 3 huge terraces and the open-plan kitchens with living rooms all have panoramic views of Lake Balaton.   The property is 650 sqm and can be used as 4 completely separate apartments.   On the ground floor, there is a spacious entrance hall leading to the utility room and an open-plan kitchen with living room + 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms apartment with separate auxiliary rooms.   On the first floor, there are two separate apartments with an American-style kitchen and living room, one with 2 bedrooms and the other with 3 bedrooms.   On the second floor, there is an apartment with an American-style kitchen and living room, along with three bedrooms, as well as a separate storage room next to it, which can be used as an independent room or living area.   The property is fully furnished, in excellent condition, equipped with a HELIOS air exchange system, central water softener, LOXONE smart home system, and SOLAR PANELS.   This modern property with unparalleled views is perfect as a family villa or as an investment, which can easily be divided into and sold as 4 separate apartments.   Another option is that the owner is cooperative in splitting the plot and keeps approximately 1000 sqm (currently empty, gravelled) of the street front plot. In this case, the house will have a garden of 1800 sqm, and the purchase price is 1.79 billion HUF.   The property is owned by a company, VAT must be added to the purchase price, or there is the option to purchase the company itself.   If this unique opportunity has sparked your interest, or if you need further information, please feel free to contact me.   DR. TÍMEA LÁSZLÓ LEGAL EXPERT - REALTY SPECIALIST   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA LTD. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY LTD. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ROAD 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET PROMENADE 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER
Private House For sale, Üröm, 420 m2,   6 Room
199.9 million Ft
CITY CARTEL INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:   Two exceptionally unique, panoramic family houses for sale side by side in Üröm!   Both houses have a floor area of 420 sqm, with a layout of living room + 5 rooms and 3 bathrooms, including an INDOOR POOL and SAUNA.   Located in the quiet and peaceful Péterhegy, just 5 km from Budapest, these family houses, built in 1995, boast every luxury element of their time.   The featured property in this listing comes with 3 terraces and completely separate rooms with spacious interiors. The house is situated on the upper (rear) part of an 800 sqm plot, with a double garage on the lower level, adjacent to a wellness section: housing the indoor swimming pool, JACUZZI, and sauna. Additionally, there are utility rooms, a laundry room, and it could easily be transformed into a gym.   On the living room level, the spacious entrance hall leads to an open-plan living room connected to the kitchen and dining area. Thanks to the large, arched windows, the panoramic living room is bathed in sunlight, and the enormous dining table comfortably accommodates the extended family. This level also features a guest room, a bathroom next to it, and a separate restroom.   From the dining area and kitchen, there is access to the rear terrace and garden, providing a seamless flow around the house.   On the upper floor, four rooms open from the hallway, along with a separate walk-in wardrobe and a spacious bathroom equipped with a bathtub and shower, with a window overlooking the rear garden.   The master bedroom has its own large terrace, an ensuite bathroom with a corner bathtub and built-in shower, and a private walk-in wardrobe.   The other three rooms face the opposite side and have access to a large shared terrace. In addition, the living room has a massive front terrace, creating a charming atmosphere with the mature trees in the extensive garden.   If you would like to view this perfect family home or need further information, feel free to contact me. I am at your service anytime, and I also recommend another neighboring house with similar features but renovated a few years ago.   DR. LÁSZLÓ TÍMEA REAL ESTATE LEGAL EXPERT - PROPERTY EXPERT   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE SHOPPING CENTER  
Private House For sale, Mogyoród, 384 m2,   5 Room
214.99 million Ft
15 minutes away from Budapest, in a dream residential park with two 24-hour manned security services, stands one of the largest single-family houses on a 978 sqm plot with a massive terrace and spacious interiors.   Built in 2004 with brick walls and thermal insulation plaster, the house is in excellent legal condition, privately owned with no encumbrances.   The unique garage can accommodate 4 cars, and additional storage spaces have been incorporated into the property.   The layout is practical: besides the garage, there's a wine cellar and a laundry room. On the ground floor, you'll find a spacious living room with a dining area, a pantry, a room, a wardrobe, and a leisure room. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms, bathrooms, and utility spaces.   A comfortable climate is ensured by air conditioning, while the garden benefits from an automatic sprinkler system. The security of the house is further reinforced by an alarm system.   Both heating and hot water are provided by a combination gas boiler and underfloor heating. The property comes with a valuation, technical floor plans, ownership documentation, site plan, and technical documentation. Transportation from here is the best among all the residential parks in the area, thanks to its own suburban railway stop within Szentjakab Parkfalu. You can reach this beautiful house in minutes through the scenic streets. Mogyoród currently hosts four residential parks, and Szentjakab Parkfalu was the earliest to be built.   This park offers a mature, fully developed green environment with a close-knit community, making it a true paradise for families. No construction or empty lots remain here—only tranquil pedestrian streets where only residents and their guests are welcome.   Children can play and bike among the houses, with low or absent fences. I personally know and have witnessed the development of all nearby parks over the past decade.   Feel free to approach me with confidence for your real estate needs. I possess extensive knowledge of all residential parks and their available properties. As a real estate legal expert, I can provide insights into the legal aspects of properties and I am available at any time.   DR. TÍMEA LÁSZLÓ REAL ESTATE LEGAL EXPERT - PROPERTY EXPERT   +36 30 815 2504 [email protected]    
Private House For sale, Budapest, XII. kerület, 330 m2,   4 Room
2500 million Ft
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C I T Y C A R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY Realty Specialist bemutatja   12. kerület ELADÓ Farkasvölgy csendes zsákutcájában természetvédelmi terület mellett 1079 nm, panorámás telken  egy luxus színvonalon kivitelezett természetes anyagokból épült 362 nm -es, 4 szobás, déli tájolású, 2010-ben épült családi ház. Nappali-étkező konyhás, három hálószobás (19, 14, 12 nm), két fürdőszobás kifogástalan állapotú ingatlan. Nagy belmagasságú nappali beépített kandallóval, hangulatos térelemekkel rendelkezik. A ház kertkapcsolatos szintje teljes értékű wellness rész belső 10×3 m-es feszített víztükrű medencével.  A ház felszereltsége:- két beállós garázs- távirányítású kapu és garázsajtó- biztonsági rendszer kamerákkal- kandalló- videó kaputelefon- motorizált belső reluxa- automata kerti öntöző- kondenzációs WIESSMANN fűtési rendszer- légkondicionáló rendszer- szellőző rendszer- áramszünet esetén kiépített áramfejlesztő.   Alsó szint: - medencetér, szauna, sószoba (sóágy, sófal), dobszoba-álszekrény mögött a gépészet, - mozirendszer-Panasonic, - kívül jacuzzi, - konditerem: szolárium + húsérlelő, bortároló, - vezérlő a fűtésrendszerhez, - vízszűrő, vízlágyító, - Viessmann vitodens kondenzációs gázkazán-radiátor és padlófűtés, - mennyezet hűtés-fűtés, - Viessmann bojler, - Grundfos szivattyú, - hővisszanyerős központi szellőzőgép, légszárító berendezés. Földszint: - nappali: gránátkő kandalló, egyedi festés és tapéta technika, mészkő padló és svédpadló kombinációja, - konyha, étkező: beépített minőségi bútorok, - beépített éléskamra, - mosókonyha, - szülői háló fürdőszobával, - szekrények, bútorok: egyedi tervezés alapján asztalossal, - érzékelős jelzőfény, - intelligens klíma, - Panasonic híradástechnika, erősítő, dvd, házimozi, - erkély: elektromos napellenző. Tetőtér: - 1 dolgozószoba és 1 vendégszoba, - fürdőszoba, - garázs: teteje beépített tárolótér, - előszoba, - Onyx lámpa, - elektromos rolók bambuszból, rovarháló.   Ár: 2.5 millió Ft
Csak nálunk
Property / Tenure For sale, Kunadacs, 1 230 m2,   14 Room
900 thous. €
C I T Y C A R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY   In the northern part of Bács-Kiskun county, 40 kilometers from Kecskemét, in the enchanting outskirts of Kunadacs where it seems as if time has stood still, lies a breathtaking estate perfectly suited for making dreams come true. This fully enclosed property, spanning more than 9 hectares (93,302 sqm) and enveloped by forests and pastures, awaits its new owner. This area is an oasis of peace and tranquility, almost entirely self-sufficient, with every detail meticulously attended to – a true paradise awaits those interested! The estate currently houses several buildings, and according to the local building regulations of Kunadacs, the area is designated for special development, such as the construction of a retirement living park, with the possibility of developing around 30 units: Peregadacsi Retirement Living Park Regulations Unlimited placement of dwelling units and auxiliary buildings, including: a) Residences and ancillaries b) Human service facilities c) Cultural, community, entertainment, and sports buildings Minimum plot size: 3000 sqm Building setback from plot boundaries: 6 meters Maximum coverage: 10% Maximum building height defined by structure height: a) With deviations as per b: max 7.5 meters b) Tower-like structures necessary for technology: max 30 meters Minimum green area: 40% Current Buildings on the Property: Manor: The impeccably maintained and renovated Geréby-Kinicz Manor, once serving as the noble family's residence and agricultural hub, was constructed in 1850 in a classical style using adobe and brick. It creates a unique atmosphere, reminiscent of past eras, enchanting its visitors. Covering approximately 600 square meters over two floors, the ground level hosts a large entry hall, spacious living room, separate dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and separate WC. Additional rooms have been created on the attic level, with potential for more. A large bathroom serves this level. Heating is provided by a gas-fired boiler and an authentic tile stove in the living room. A renovation in 2002 ensured the interiors retained the quaint, romantic atmosphere characteristic of ancient manors. A beautiful, atmospheric pool is located in front of the manor, measuring 7.5 x 15 meters (unheated, offering a genuine experience during the summer months). The manor and its land are on a separate cadastral number, with a 3,277 sqm plot. The other structures are located on a separate cadastral number over a 90,025 sqm plot. The area is exempt from certain restrictions, making it purchasable by foreign nationals without the need for public posting. Main Building: Constructed around 2010 from Ytong blocks, the unique, cozy, multi-terraced, modern main building equipped with air conditioning, living room+6 bedrooms, is three-storied. The basement spans 250 sqm (accommodating stables, carriage storage – suitable for 6 cars, workshop, billiard room), the ground floor 190 sqm, and the upper floor 190 sqm, totaling 630 sqm, further enhanced by two large terraces. Located on a picturesque hilltop, the living space is east-facing. Heating is provided by gas circulator, with underfloor heating and radiators on the ground floor, as well as electric heating and a wood fireplace, creating a special atmosphere. Thanks to rooftop solar panels, the estate's electricity supply is from clean sources, with condensing gas boilers providing heating and hot water. Outbuildings: Stork's Nest: Constructed in 1995, offering unique opportunities for residential adaptation. The ground floor covers approx. 80 square meters, and the upper floor 50 square meters. The building is heated with a tile stove and includes a 160 sqm stable. Designed with a high roof, beyond the enclosed mass, a covered-open storage area exists, currently serving as a storage building. The building is unheated, with no building services equipment installed. Granary: A 200 sqm granary built around 1850, unheated, consists of a ground floor and attic, currently serving as a storage building. The building is unheated, with no building services equipment installed. Storage: Approximately a 30 sqm storage building and unheated container were built in 2012, designed as a ground-level structure with two 20-foot shipping containers covered by a traditional wooden roof structure. Tools and agricultural machinery parts are stored within. The building is unheated. Two wells are located on the property, including the Mária well established in 1850, providing clean, potable water quality. Three sedimentation tanks are also available on-site. All buildings are equipped with electricity. The garage can accommodate up to 10 cars, with ample space available on the property for additional vehicles. The estate offers the potential for further development, allowing the new owner ample opportunity to expand according to their needs. Suitable for horse breeding but also ideal for farming and relaxation. This unique estate, exempt from agricultural use, is located on two cadastral numbers. Accessibility is excellent, with the M5 motorway and secondary roads providing easy access, all roads paved up to the property. Environment: An island of peace and tranquility, visited only by those coming here, close to nature, with a significant portion of Hungary's wildlife observable from the terrace. Hundreds of protected rare birds inhabit the area. There are no restrictions on keeping any large domestic animals on the estate. The area is fully fenced and protected with an electric fence. This estate is recommended for anyone wishing to experience the proximity of nature. It is a perfect choice for those seeking a unique, peaceful, and nature-close lifestyle, or for those interested in farming. Ideal for keeping large animals, the new owner could open an alpaca or ostrich farm, or even their own horse stable. The area is completely fenced, protected with an electric fence, ideal for animal husbandry. If rural tourism interests you, the estate offers ample opportunities to develop accommodations, ensuring guests are comfortably separated from each other. This estate is not just a home but a lifestyle, where anyone can realize their dreams, be it farming, investing, or simply living a peaceful, nature-close life. Living in harmony with nature and its captivating beauty, this estate offers true home and happiness to its new owner. A significant portion of Kunadacs's population lives off agriculture. Children can attend kindergarten and school locally, with a cultural house and medical clinic nearby. All streets are paved, new sports fields have been developed, and selective waste collection is practiced. The village has access to mains water, gas, telephone, and cable TV services. Outside the urban area, 1620 hectares of protected land managed by the Kiskunsági National Park, filled with protected plants and animals, are available. If this advertisement has piqued your interest, you have questions, or would like to view the property, please contact me with confidence. I look forward to your inquiry!
Construction Site For sale, Tihany, 1 531 m2,  
252.62 thous. €
C I T Y C A R T E L INTERNATIONAL LUXURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY presents:    In one of the most beautiful settlements in Hungary, in the neighborhood of Levendulavidék, in Tihany, in Gödrös, we offer a beautiful plot of land for sale. The plot faces the Outer Lake.   The area is located in a quiet, elite neighborhood. 1,531 sq m independent plot accessible from a separate street (cul-de-sac). Utilities are in the street.   Come, I'm happy to show you this beautiful lot.   KIND REGARDS: DR VINCELLÉR ZSUZSA ÜGYVEZETŐ, CEO, LUXURY SPECIALIST +3630-815-2510 [email protected]   CITY CARTEL BUDA KFT. CITY CARTEL FRANCHISE HUNGARY KFT. 1118 BUDAPEST, HEGYALJA ÚT 54. 1026 BUDAPEST, SZILÁGYI ERZSÉBET FASOR 121. BUDAGYÖNGYE BEVÁSÁRLÓKÖZPONT